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👋🏻 Keystone 5 has officially moved to maintenance only. For the latest release of Keystone please visit the Keystone website.


This is the last active development release of this package as Keystone 5 is now in a 6 to 12 month active maintenance phase. For more information please read our Keystone 5 and beyond post.

Stores data in the oEmbed format:

oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly. --- The oEmbed Spec


const { Keystone } = require('@keystonejs/keystone');
const { OEmbed, Text } = require('@keystonejs/fields');
const { OEmbed, IframelyOEmbedAdapter } = require('@keystonejs/fields-oembed');

const keystone = new Keystone({...});

const iframelyAdapter = new IframelyOEmbedAdapter({
  apiKey: process.env.IFRAMELY_API_KEY, // Get one from

keystone.createList('User', {
  fields: {
    name: { type: Text },
    portfolio: { type: OEmbed, adapter: iframelyAdapter },


isRequiredBooleanfalseDoes this field require a value?


Will add the following to the GraphQL schema:

type OEmbedThumbnail {
  # A URL to a thumbnail image
  url: String!
  # The width of the thumbnail
  width: String!
  # The height of the thumbnail
  height: String!

type OEmbedAuthor {
  # The name of the author/owner of the resource.
  name: String
  # A URL for the author/owner of the resource.
  url: String

type OEmbedProvider {
  # The name of the resource provider.
  name: String
  # The url of the resource provider.
  url: String

interface OEmbed {
  # The resource type. One of 'photo'/'video'/'link'/'rich'
  type: String
  # The original input URL which the oEmbed data was generated from
  originalUrl: String!
  # The oEmbed version number. Will be 1.0.
  version: String
  # A text title, describing the resource.
  title: String
  # The suggested cache lifetime for this resource, in seconds. Consumers may choose to use this value or not.
  cacheAge: String
  # The resource provider.
  provider: OEmbedProvider
  # The author/owner of the resource.
  author: OEmbedAuthor
  # An optional thumbnail image representing the resource.
  thumbnail: OEmbedThumbnail

type OEmbedPhoto implements OEmbed {
  type: String
  originalUrl: String
  version: String
  title: String
  cacheAge: String
  provider: OEmbedProvider
  author: OEmbedAuthor
  thumbnail: OEmbedThumbnail

  # OEmbedPhoto specific fields
  url: String
  width: String
  height: String

type OEmbedVideo implements OEmbed {
  type: String
  originalUrl: String
  version: String
  title: String
  cacheAge: String
  provider: OEmbedProvider
  author: OEmbedAuthor
  thumbnail: OEmbedThumbnail

  # OEmbedVideo specific fields
  html: String
  width: String
  height: String

type OEmbedLink implements OEmbed {
  type: String
  originalUrl: String
  version: String
  title: String
  cacheAge: String
  provider: OEmbedProvider
  author: OEmbedAuthor
  thumbnail: OEmbedThumbnail

type OEmbedRich implements OEmbed {
  type: String
  originalUrl: String
  version: String
  title: String
  cacheAge: String
  provider: OEmbedProvider
  author: OEmbedAuthor
  thumbnail: OEmbedThumbnail

  # OEmbedRich specific fields
  html: String
  width: String
  height: String

input UserCreateInput {
  # A URL which will be transformed into the oEmbed types above by the provider
  portfolio: String

type User {
  portfolio: OEmbed

type Query {
  User(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User

type Mutation {
  createUser(data: UserCreateInput): User

Create a new User with an OEmbed type:

mutation {
  createUser(data: { portfolio: "" }) {
    portfolio {
      thumbnail {
      provider {
      ... on OEmbedPhoto {
      ... on OEmbedVideo {
      ... on OEmbedRich {
      # NOTE: No OEmbedLink fragment - it doesn't specify any extra fields

Will result in something like:

  data: {
    createUser: {
      portfolio: {
        __typename: "OEmbedPhoto",
        type: "photo",
        originalUrl: "",
        title: "My Glamour Shot",
        thumbnail: {
          url: "...",
          width: "90",
          height: "90",
        provider: {
          name: "Flickr",
        // because it's a 'photo' type, we get url/width/height:
        url: "...",
        width: "1024",
        height: "400",

OEmbed block

The OEmbed field exposes a block that can be used in the content field.


const { Keystone } = require('@keystonejs/keystone');
const { Content } = require('@keystonejs/fields-content');
const { Text } = require('@keystonejs/fields');
const { OEmbed, IframelyOEmbedAdapter } = require('@keystonejs/fields-oembed');

const iframelyAdapter = new IframelyOEmbedAdapter({
  apiKey: process.env.IFRAMELY_API_KEY, // Get one from

keystone.createList('Post', {
  fields: {
    body: {
      type: Content,
      blocks: [Content.blocks.heading, [OEmbed.blocks.oEmbed, { adapter: iframelyAdapter }]],

On this page

  • Usage
  • Config
  • GraphQL
  • OEmbed block
  • Usage
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