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Adding lists

We've already created one list during the previous tutorial. Now it's the time to dive deeper. Let's make our Todo list a bit more complex.

Creating lists by file

To improve maintainability of your code it can be convenient to split List schemas into separate files. Create a directory named lists, with a file Todo.js and put the following code inside.

const { Text, Checkbox } = require('@keystonejs/fields');

module.exports = {
  fields: {
    description: {
      type: Text,
      isRequired: true,
    isComplete: {
      type: Checkbox,
      defaultValue: false,

Here we described a very basic schema for a generic Todo. Let's add it to our Keystone application. Inside of index.js import the defined schema and replace the existing one with the required version.

const TodoSchema = require('./lists/Todo.js');

keystone.createList('Todo', TodoSchema);

Make sure to relaunch Keystone and check that everything is working as expected.

Adding fields

Todo tasks usually have a few more fields. Let's add the ability to set deadlines and the assignee of a task:

const { Text, CalendarDay, Checkbox } = require('@keystonejs/fields');

module.exports = {
  fields: {
    // existing fields
    description: {
      type: Text,
      isRequired: true,
    isComplete: {
      type: Checkbox,
      defaultValue: false,
    // added fields
    deadline: {
      type: CalendarDay,
      dateFrom: '2019-01-01',
      dateTo: '2029-01-01',
      isRequired: false,
      defaultValue: new Date().toISOString('YYYY-MM-DD').substring(0, 10), // Today's date
    assignee: {
      type: Text,
      isRequired: true,

If you're curious about the usage options you can read more about CalendarDay. Now it's time to explore docs on other field types and get a bit familiar with them. It will help you make your schema cleaner.

Defining a User list

Take a look at the assignee field. Now we're just typing in a name. Why don't we make a separate User list, so we can point assigned tasks to a specific User. Create another file User.js in the lists directory. It should look like this:

const { Text, Password } = require('@keystonejs/fields');

module.exports = {
  fields: {
    username: {
      type: Text,
      isRequired: true,
    password: {
      type: Password,
      isRequired: true,

And register it in index.js:

const TodoSchema = require('./lists/Todo.js');
const UserSchema = require('./lists/User.js');

keystone.createList('Todo', TodoSchema);
keystone.createList('User', UserSchema);

Relaunch your app and see the lists appear in the Admin UI.

But how can we assign a task to specific user? Let's proceed with Defining Relationships

See also:

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