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👋🏻 Keystone 5 has officially moved to maintenance only. For the latest release of Keystone please visit the Keystone website.

Using Keystone with Prisma

Warning: The Prisma adapter uses Prisma Migrate, which is currently in preview. We do not recommend using the Prisma adapter for production systems yet.

In this guide we'll walk you through the steps to create a new project using Keystone and Prisma, automatically run a migration when changing your Keystone schema, and use Prisma Client directly in a custom query.

Connect to your database

In this guide we will connect to a PostgreSQL database on your computer. Make sure that you have PostgreSQL installed and know the connection URL for your database.

If you need to create a new database and user you can try the following commands:

createdb -U postgres keystone
psql keystone -U postgres -c "CREATE USER keystone5 PASSWORD 'change_me_plz'"
psql keystone -U postgres -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE keystone TO keystone5;"

Check that you can connect to your database with your connection URL, e.g:

psql postgres://keystone5:change_me_plz@localhost:5432/keystone

Please consult the PostgreSQL docs for more details on how to setup a local database.

Tip: Make sure you have a full connection URL including a username and password, e.g. postgres://keystone5:change_me_plz@localhost:5432/keystone

Create a new app

We'll start by creating a new Keystone application using yarn create. Run the following command:

yarn create keystone-5-app my-app

Note: Alternatively, you can also run npm create keystone-5-app my-app if you prefer using npm or Yarn.

  1. Call your project my-app
  2. Select Prisma (Experimental) as your database type.
  3. Provide the connection URL, including username and password, e.g. postgres://keystone5:change_me_plz@localhost:5432/keystone
  4. Select Todo application as your starter project.

Your project is now ready to run! Run the following commands (make sure to use the connection string for your database!), and Keystone will start your project

cd my-app
DATABASE_URL=postgres://keystone5:change_me_plz@localhost:5432/keystone yarn dev

Note: You currently need to provide DATABASE_URL as an environment variable due to an issue in Prisma.

When prisma connects to your database it will generate a Prisma schema file and then generate and run a migration to set up your database with all the required tables.

Changing your schema

During development you will want to be regularly making changes to your Keystone schema as your data model evolves.

Add a new field to your current list:

-const { Text } = require('@keystonejs/fields');
- ...
-  fields: {
-    name: { type: Text, schemaDoc: 'This is the thing you need to do' },
-  },
+const { Text, Checkbox } = require('@keystonejs/fields');
+  fields: {
+    name: { type: Text, schemaDoc: 'This is the thing you need to do' },
+    isComplete: { type: Checkbox },
+  },

Now, when you restart your server by running yarn dev again, Keystone will generate a new Prisma schema for your system. Prisma will compare this to your current database and will generate and run a migration to update your database to have a column for your new field.

Note: The current adapter behaviour only support this auto-migration behaviour. Future releases will provide more flexible controls for running migrations.

Using Prisma Client

Keystone provides a library called server-side-graphql-client which allows you to execute GraphQL queries from within hooks, access control, and custom mutations. These GraphQL queries come with all the benefits of Keystone's access control, hooks, and validation.

In some circumstances you might want to bypass all of these features and talk directly to your database. The Prisma adapter makes this easy by directly exposing an instance of PrismaClient which you can use to send queries to your database.

Add the following code to your index.js file to create a custom query which tells you whether all your todo items are complete.

  queries: [
      schema: 'allComplete: Boolean',
      resolver: async () => {
        const { prisma } = keystone.adapter;
        const unfinished = await prisma.todo.count({ where: { isComplete: { equals: false } } });
        return unfinished === 0;

This query is using the PrismaClient object stored at keystone.adapter.prisma to directly run this query against the database. For more information on the Prisma Client API please consult the Prisma docs.

Tip: For full details on how to use up the Prisma Adapter, see the Prisma Adapter API Docs

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