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Cache hints

Automatically set HTTP cache headers and save full responses in a cache. For more information please see the Apollo docs and the HTTP spec.

Setting a default maxAge

By default, all queries and mutations keystone generates have a maxAge of 0 (ie, uncacheable). You can update this behaviour by specifying a default max age when creating the GraphQLApp.

const app = new GraphQLApp({
  apollo: {
    cacheControl: {
      defaultMaxAge: 3600,

Please see the Apollo docs for more information.

Lists / fields

Cache hints can be set on lists and fields like so:

keystone.createList('Post', {
  fields: {
    title: {
      type: Text,
    description: {
      type: Text,
      cacheHint: {
        maxAge: 80,
  cacheHint: {
    scope: 'PUBLIC',
    maxAge: 3600,

Only static cache hints are supported at the field level, but for lists cache hints can be dynamically returned from a function that takes an object with these members:

  • results: an array of query results
  • operationName: the name of the GraphQL operation that generated the results
  • meta: boolean value that's true for a meta (count) query
keystone.createList('Post', {
  fields: {
    title: { type: Text },
  cacheHint: ({ meta }) => {
    if (meta) {
      return {
        scope: 'PUBLIC',
        maxAge: 3600,
    } else {
      return {
        scope: 'PRIVATE',
        maxAge: 60,

Custom queries

Static cache hints can be set for custom queries generated using the keystone.extendGraphQLSchema() method.

  types: [{ type: 'type MyType { original: Int, double: Float }' }],
  queries: [
      schema: 'double(x: Int): MyType',
      resolver: (_, { x }) => ({ original: x, double: 2.0 * x }),
      cacheHint: {
        scope: 'PUBLIC',
        maxAge: 100,


  • scope: 'PUBLIC' or 'PRIVATE' (corresponds to public and private Cache-Control directives)
  • maxAge: maximum age (in seconds) that the result should be cacheable for

PRIVATE is a recommendation that browsers should cache the result, but forbids intermediate caches (like CDNs or corporate proxies) from storing it. It needs to be used whenever the result depends on the logged in user (including secrets and user-specific content like profile information). If the result could be different when a user logs in, PRIVATE should still be used even if no user is logged in.

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