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👋🏻 Keystone 5 has officially moved to maintenance only. For the latest release of Keystone please visit the Keystone website.


A note on terminology:

  • Authentication refers to a user identifying themselves. Within this document, we abbreviate Authentication to Auth.
  • Access control refers to the specific actions an authenticated or anonymous user can take. Often referred to as authorization elsewhere. The specifics of how this is done is outside the scope of this document. See access control for more.

Admin UI

Username / Password authentication can be enabled on the Admin UI.

Important: Admin Authentication will only restrict access to the Admin UI. It will not restrict API access. To also restrict access to the API, you must set up Access controls.

To setup authentication, you must instantiate an Auth Strategy, and create a list used for authentication in index.js. Here, we will setup a PasswordAuthStrategy instance:

const { Keystone } = require('@keystonejs/keystone');
const { Text, Password } = require('@keystonejs/fields');
const { PasswordAuthStrategy } = require('@keystonejs/auth-password');
const { AdminUIApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-admin-ui');

const keystone = new Keystone();

keystone.createList('User', {
  fields: {
    username: { type: Text },
    password: { type: Password },

const authStrategy = keystone.createAuthStrategy({
  type: PasswordAuthStrategy,
  list: 'User',
  config: {
    identityField: 'username', // default: 'email'
    secretField: 'password', // default: 'password'

// Enable Admin UI login by adding the authentication strategy
const admin = new AdminUIApp({ authStrategy });

Once your Keystone server is restarted, the Admin UI will now enforce authentication.

Logging in to the Admin UI

The first time you setup authentication, you may not be able to login. This is because there are no Users who can do the logging in.

First, disable authentication on the Admin UI by removing authStrategy from the new AdminUIApp() call:

- const admin = new AdminUIApp({ authStrategy });
+ const admin = new AdminUIApp();

Second, disable access control by removing access from the keystone.createList('User', ... call:

-  access: {
-    read: access.userIsAdminOrOwner,
-    update: access.userIsAdminOrOwner,
-    create: access.userIsAdmin,
-    delete: access.userIsAdmin,
-    auth: true,
-  },

Restart your Keystone App, and visit http://localhost:3000/admin/users - you should now be able to access the Admin UI without logging in.

Next, create a User (be sure to set both a username and password).

Add the authStrategy config back to the new AdminUIApp() call

- const admin = new AdminUIApp();
+ const admin = new AdminUIApp({ authStrategy });

Restart your Keystone App once more, and try to visit http://localhost:3000/admin/users; you will be presented with the login screen.

Finally; login with the newly created User's credentials.

Programmatic authentication

Each list associated with an auth strategy creates corresponding queries and mutations you can use for programmatic authentication. For a List called User using the Password auth strategy, the following operations are made available:

authenticatedUserQueryReturns the currently authenticated list item.
authenticateUserWithPasswordMutationAuthenticates a user.
unauthenticateUserMutationUnauthenticates the authenticated user.

NOTE: these operations may be named differently if the List.itemQueryName config option is set.


The above configuration would also add the following types to the GraphQL schema:

type authenticateUserOutput {
  Used to make subsequent authenticated requests by setting this token in a header: 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'.
  token: String
  Retrieve information on the newly authenticated User here.
  item: User

type unauthenticateUserOutput {
  \`true\` when unauthentication succeeds.
  NOTE: unauthentication always succeeds when the request has an invalid or missing authentication token.
  success: Boolean

Remember: The exact schema will depend on your chosen list and authentication strategy.


Authenticate and return the ID of the newly authenticated user:

mutation signin($identity: String, $secret: String) {
  authenticate: authenticateUserWithPassword(email: $identity, password: $secret) {
    item {

Unauthenticate the currently authenticated user:

mutation {
  unauthenticate: unauthenticateUser {

Controlling access to the Admin UI

By default, any authenticated user will be able to access the Admin UI. To restrict access, use the isAccessAllowed config option.

See the Admin UI app docs for more details.

API access control

Adding Authentication as shown above will only enable login to the Admin UI. It will not restrict API access.

Note: To restrict API access, you must set up Access controls


Keystone provides a collection of hooks to allow you to customise the behaviour of the authentication mutations. Please see the hooks API docs for details on how to use authentication hooks.

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