DockerdeploymentKeystone files need to be built with keystone build before running in production mode.Read Docker
HerokudeploymentThis quick start guide shows how to deploy your first KeystoneJS app to Heroku and use MongoDB Atlas as our database service.Read Heroku
HooksHooks give developers a way to add custom logic to the framework of lists, fields and operations Keystone provides.Read Hooks
Keystone appsA Keystone instance acts as a function of your schema which creates a GraphQL API for querying and an Admin UI for managing your data:Read Keystone apps
MigrationsadvancedAs your app grows new features, you'll inevitably need to change some of your existing List definitions. When you do, you'll also need to migrate the data and schema in your database backend.Read Migrations
New schema cheatsheetThis cheatsheet summarises the changes needed to update your database to use the new Keystone database schema, introduced in the Arcade release. For full instructions please consult the migration guide.Read New schema cheatsheet
Production checklistdeploymentYes, Keystone can be (and is!) used for production websites. Here's a handy list of tips for using Keystone with real workloads:Read Production checklist
Relationship migrationIn the Arcade release of Keystone we changed the database schema which Keystone uses to store its data. This means that if you are upgrading to these new packages you will need to perform a migration on your database in order for it to continue working.Read Relationship migration
Using Keystone with PrismaWarning: The Prisma adapter uses Prisma Migrate, which is currently in preview. We do not recommend using the Prisma adapter for production systems yet.Read Using Keystone with Prisma